Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Group 2 & 5 - Britain at War Museum & Imperial War Museum

Today we went to many interesting sights in London such as the Imperial War Museum, Winston Churchill’s Britain at War Museum, the Tower Bridge, Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral.

However, the part of the tour today that impacted us the most was the Holocaust Exhibition at the Imperial Was Museum. The exhibition was both horrifying and toe-curling. We could not comprehend the showcases that displayed the many ways the Nazi government exterminated the Jews as they were just too ghastly. We couldn’t digest the fact that people could carry out such torture and gruesome acts to exterminate their own kind. It was unbelievable how the Nazis became such unemotional people that they could carry out mass killings against their fellow human beings without feeling any guilt.

There were many pictures depicting the many ways the Jews were killed in concentration camps and the conditions that they worked and lived in. The country of Germany was in turmoil. It was mind-boggling to see that the conditions back then were a far cry from the cosmopolitan life that we lead in Singapore.

After viewing the exhibition, we realized that we must not take our lives for granted, and that we must work hard to uphold what we have in our nation at the moment and to cherish every moment of it while we can. Through this, we will be able to comprehend the importance of racial harmony in the establishment of a stable and prosperous nation.

We learnt that racial harmony and peace in a country work hand in hand in the building of a meritocratic and democratic nation. With peace and racial harmony, a country will have the ability to prosper and progress for the future and develop.

Hence, we, as students, must learn how to appreciate the harmony that we have in our nation and not take it for granted. Although our part may seem small in the development of a nation, we all still play a part that is crucial in the overall collaborative effort to help our nation.

- Zhuoen, Rachel Rankine, Maria, Shereene, Jingwen Margie, Raykal, Charmaine, Weiqing & Qiyu

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