Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Group 3 - Churchill Museum and British Museum

Today was the first day we are going sightseeing in London. We took the tube to Westminster Place, where msot of the famous landmarks are located. There, we were able to see the Big Ben, Parliament Houses and Westminster Abbey. Though the buildings were built a very long time ago, they had intricate designs and were magnificent. We also went to St. Margaret's Church, where Winston Churchill got married in.

Next, we took a long walk to the Buckingham Palace. Along the way, we could see a rehearsal going on for the Queen's birthday celebration. After that, we headed to the Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms. The war rooms were used as a command and control during World War II. At the museum, we were able to explore Winston Churchill's life as a stateman. The propaganda in the past portrayed Churchill as a short, fat man with a cigar. This was because he always listened to whatever France said. This museum was not very engaging, as we used an electronic device that introduces us to the exhibitions. This did not allow us to clarify our doubts and misunderstandings. Also, as we do not learn much about British history or Winston Churchill in school, we are unfamiliar to the context, hence, the appreciation level was not that high.

After lunch, we walked through Convent Garden to head towards the huge British Museum. This museum displayed artefacts from all over the world. There are even mummies there! Such artefacts are important as it tells us how people lived in the past, their lifestyles, and their culture, thus showign us the country's history. It was quite interesting as we could see other country's way of life as well as their culture.

The museums in London are different from that of Singapore, the museums here are quite small and they usually only depict Singapore history. On the other hand, the British museum shows the history from various countries, for example, Greece, Rome and so on.

Today was an interesting day, however, very tiring as we were walking from destination to destination.

- Samyata, Rachel Loke, Ferozia, Felina, Eugenia

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