Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Group 4 Reflections- Wee Ming, Florence, Azlin, Carin, 01062010

Group 4 Reflections- Wee Ming, Florence, Azlin, Carin

HI people in Singapore! We're in 10 degree celcius right now, BRRRR so cold! ((: How we wish we were sweating now, Muahaha.

Let's get down to serious business. *add drama music*

Today we had our first night at FSC. It was cozy and comfortable. We had theory on rivers. Yippee. Thanks to our WONDERFUL TTM teachers, we learnt the terms for river studies eg hydraulic action, attrition, abrasion, corrosion etc. We packed our lunch and borrowed WELLIES! They are super awesome but very heavy and big. We borrowed waterproof jackets and we looked like astronauts! Teehee!! It started drizzling as we were on our way to River Brett. We had a small demo and we were warned of stinging nettles that can sting through our clothes and leave pain. SCARY. After eating on the mini van, we made our way to a part of the river. Measured width, depth, velocity (speed of river), wetted perimiter, bedload shape and size. While measuring bedload (sediments of the river), we found slime under a big rock and it was gross ttm. While taking our measurements, we had some 'music'. These includes, birds chirping, and the maa-ing of the sheep nearby. Heh. All the sheep do is graze, sleep and clear their bowels :( but they're really cute! Made our way back and had somemore theory lessons and we had to draw graphs and colouring (brings back such childhood memories, heh heh) The teachers were really knowledgeable and approachable. The teacher who accompanied us was Helena who is BEST at cracking lame jokes, haha! Had somemore theory lessons and ate dinner.

We learnt about rivers and their methodology. Apart from learning Geography, we also learnt art by improving our colouring skills, history of Suffolk and John Constable (the guy from the mill), and also english. Did you know that 'three' is pronounced different from 'tree'? Yes it is, so pronounce the H!! It's gonna reach 9pm soon and we're still all dirty and wet from the river measurements so we're gonna bathe now. Toodles!

(P.S. The sun here sets at 9pm. Interesting! :D)

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