Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Reflections: Charmaine, JingWen, Dayna, Louisa, Eugenia [River Studies]

It was such a fun day/tiring day.
We learnt many new things such as measuring the depth, width and wetted perimeter of the river with a tape measure as well as the velocity of the river using a hydroprop. We also learnt to measure the diameter of rocks from the river using a vernier caliper. We also collected a sample of water in a bottle from the river to measure the nitrate content.
It was an interesting experience for us all as none of us have ever gone into a river before. This is the first time we've tried such things and it was marvelous experience!
One of our group members Charmaine unfortunately had a hole in one boot and only found out after 20 minutes in the river. HAHAHAHAHA! This shows how cold we were until we could hardly feel a thing inside.
When picking up the rocks, water entered some of our gloves and it was freezing cold that our hands felt numb, but it was an interesting feeling.
We packed lunch during breakfast and ate them on the bus instead of outside in the fields as it was raining outside, but it was still comfortable for us due to the cool air.
It was a great experience for us and we look forward to the woodland studies tomorrow!(:

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