Thursday, June 3, 2010

Group 4 - Florence, Dayna, Wee Ming, Azlin, Carin


Today we had some activities at the coast of Naze. It was very scenic and very windy but sunny too. We did some measurements of the beach profile using theodolite. We also measured the amount of sediments in the sand. We got all wet, however it was exciting and fun. It was rather different from the coasts in Singapore as th sand is more penetrable! WE CAN BREAK STONES! Actually, these stones are London Clay! They are soft and clayey. EUW. We found a really HUGE one, it was bigger than all of our faces! Too bad, we can't bring it back. Boohoo. We saw a lot of seagulls which we don't see in Singapore! They circled around us because we were having lunch!

We had our packed lunch by the beach, it was so romantic! AWW. It was going to be our last packed lunch! So sad! We will miss packing sandwiches :( The chocolate pudding (actually it's cake) was really AWESOME. VERY NICE! VERY CHOCOLATELY!

Overall, we are very happy while staying here at Flatford Mill. The lessons were enriching and beneficial as we had a headstart for many Geography topics. The best part of the whole trip is actually the meals! Although it is quite different from Singapore's, however it is yummy and we really enjoyed it! We will definitely miss the food and the people and the scenery and the atmosphere. It is just amazing and totally unforgettable!(:

This is going to be our last post here in Flatford Mill. Sadly.. Last but not least, WE LOVE THIS PLACE AND ITS PEOPLE(: ttm. from the bottoms of our hearts(:

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